Change logs for ampache source package in Squeeze

  • ampache (3.5.4-9) unstable; urgency=low
      * Actually added updated cs.po. Thx Miroslav Kure for the mail.
      * Added vi.po.  Thx Clytie Siddall.  Closes: #599153
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Tue, 26 Oct 2010 20:19:24 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-8) unstable; urgency=low
      * Made requested changes from the Release Team (Adam) to ampache.config
        postinst, and postrm to fix symlink creation.  Closes: #593759
      * Made the requested spacing changes from the Release Team (Adam) in the
      * Added updated it.po. Thx  Luca Monducci Closes: #593959
      * Added updated ta.po. Thx Dr.T.Vasudevan
      * Added updated cs.po. Thx Miroslav Kure Closes: #595512
      * Added zh_TW.po.  Thx Kan-Ru Chen
      * Added da.po.  Thx Joe Dalton Closes: #595197
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Tue, 21 Sep 2010 21:34:54 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-7) unstable; urgency=high
      * Adjusted symlink creation in debian/postinst so it now works.
        Closes: #593181
      * Upstream neglected to comment out the "require once" for
        /modules/pearxmlrpc/rpc.php which causes the inital login after the 
        completion of the web installer to fail due to php not being able to find
        /modules/pearxmlrpc/rpc.php.  Closes: #593182
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sun, 17 Aug 2010 06:51:29 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-6) unstable; urgency=high
      * Setting urgency to high as this fixes an RC bug.
      * Upstream has decided to remove pearxmlrpc and make the package
        depend on php5-xmlrpc. Closes: #591984
      * debian/control
        - added php5-xmlrpc to Depends field.
      * debian/rules
        - added -X option to remove /modules/pearxmlrpc
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Thu, 12 Aug 2010 09:59:36 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Setting urgency to medium as this fixes an RC bug.
      * debian/rules
        - After discussing with upstream it was decided to remove 
          xspf_jukebox.fla and xspf_jukebox.swf. Added -X option to dh_install to
          remove xspf_jukebox.fla and xspf_jukebox.swf. Closes: #591202
      * debian/README.Debian
        - Added a note regarding the current state of the xspf_jukebox 
          flash player.
      * Added updated ja.po, thx Hideki Yamane Closes: #591074
      * debian/control
        - Bumped Standards Version to 3.9.1, no changes needed.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sun, 01 Aug 2010 23:11:36 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Updated README.Debian to account for changes in mysql and phpmyadmin.
        Closes: #589078
      * Force removal of /etc/cron.daily/ampache on remove and purge.
        Closes: #586647
      * Added new ru.po. Thx Yuri Kozlov Closes: #585694
      * Corrected formatting of previous log entry.
      * Bumped Standards Version to 3.9.0 no changes needed.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Thu, 15 Jul 2010 06:42:51 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Added new sv.po. Thx Martin Bagge. Closes: #582701
      * Added new es.po. Thx Francisco Javier Cuadrado. Closes: #581870
      * Added new fr.po. Thx Filippo Rusconi.  Closes: #581654
      * Added new de.po. Thx Helge Kreutzmann. Closes: #580737
      * Added new pt.po. Thx Américo Monteiro. Closes: #580440
      * Removed superfluous spaces in ampache.templates.  Closes: #580738
      * Added ampache.cron.daily this will run add and clean on all available
        catalogs once a day (usually early mourning).
      * debian/postinst made use of variable for /usr/sbin/lighty-enable-mod to
         satisfy lintian.
      * debian/postinst added remove statement to remove lighty_ampache.conf if
         apache2 is installed and vic versa.
      * debian/postrm made use of variable for /usr/sbin/lighty-disable-mod to
         satisfy lintian.
      * debian/postrm added rm statement to remove ampache.cron.daily on purge.
      * Removed find rule from debian/rules, lintian was complaining of
         unrepresentable changes to the source.
      * debian/links added symlink creation for ampache.cron.daily to /etc/ampache.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sun, 06 June 2010 22:22:31 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
       * Added support for lighttpd servers.  What this means is that the default
       behavior is for apache2 to be installed on new installs.  However if
       lighttpd is installed and configured correctly the maintainer scripts 
       should pickup on this and install ampache into the proper locations, 
       create the need sym links, and enable the needed lighttpd modules.
       Closes: #549009
       * Made package depend on nusoap. Closes: #579829
       * debian/control:
         - Recommends, package should recommend the mysql-server meta-package so 
         the default mysql-server is installed.  This will eleminate the need for 
         additional uploads to increase mysql-server version number.
         - added additional depends for lighttpd support.
         - moved apache2 | lighttpd to the Recommends field.
         - added dependency on libnusoap-php
       * debian/ampache.postrm: 
         - added purge statement to webserver restart so webserver reloads on 
         remove and purge.
         - added conditional removal statements to ampache.postrm so all user
         modified config files are removed on purge.
         - added lighttpd support
       * debian/ampache.postinst:
         - correted incorrect ampache.conf symlink creation. (LP: #533989)
         - added lighttpd support
       * debian/ampache.preinst:
         - added ampache.preinst to correct sym link naming mismatch on upgrades.
         (LP: #558697)
         - added ampache.cfg.php backup to ampache.preinst, this way we make a 
         backup copy of ampache.cfg.php before upgrade begins. 
       * debian/postinst:
         - removed ampache.cfg.php backup and migration, this was only need until 
         Ubuntu Hardy reached EOL.
         - added lighttpd support.
       * debian/ampache.templates:
         - added webserver types question for lighttpd support.
         - combined webserver configuration and webserver restart into one
         question (webserver_restart).
         - reworded webserver_restart to be more generic in scope.
       * debian/ampache.config:
         - remove webserver-configure bits, this question is no longer needed.
       * debian/amp-lighty.conf:
         - added to create the lighttpd alias.
       * debian/ampache.install:
         - added amp-lighty.conf to be installed into /etc/ampache.
       * debian/conf:
         - added the directory debian/conf and moved debian/ampache.conf and 
         debian/lighttpd_ampache.conf into it.
       * debian/README.Debian:
         - updated outdated links.  Made document 80 characters wide.
       * debian/rules:
         - added -Xnusoap to remove upstream copy of nusoap.
       * debian/links:
         - added nusoap sym links.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sat, 01 May 2010 14:12:45 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * New upstream release, summary of changes:
        - Added default RPC ACLs for new installations 
        - Fix catalog size math for catalogs up to 4TB (Thx <email address hidden>)
        - Fix httpq not correctly skipping to new song 
        - Fix refreshing of localplay playlist when an item is skipped to
        - Fix missing Content-Disposition filename= on non-transcoded songs
        - Fix refreshing of localplay playlist when an item is removed
        - Correct issue with some mp3s bitrates not being detected, which
          in turn breaks length calculations
        - Removed unused/dead files
        - Correct issue with single song downloads
      * Updated Standards Version to 3.8.4. No changes needed.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Wed, 03 Feb 2010 16:32:41 -0600
  • ampache (3.5.3-1) unstable; urgency=high
      *  New upstream release, summary of changes:
          - Added local authtype which uses PHP's PAM module
          - Correct potential security issues due to misuse of REQUEST for write
    	  operations rather then POST 
             (Thx Raphael Geissert <email address hidden>)
      *  Added php5-auth-pam to debian/control Depends section.
      *  Setting urgency to high as this fixes potential security issues.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sun, 20 Dec 2009 11:31:45 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
       * New upstream maintenance release:
          - Fix typo that caused song count to not be set on tag xml response.
          - Fix tag methods so that alpha_match and exact_match works.
          - Fix limit and offset not working on search_songs API method.
          - Fix import m3u on catalog build so it does something.
          - Fix inconsistent view during catalog operations.
          - Sort malformed files into "Unknown (Broken)" rather then leaving them
            in "Unknown (Orphaned)".
          - Fix API democratic voting methods (Thx kindachris).
          - Add server version information to API ping command.
          - Fix Localplay API methods (Thx thomasa).
          - Improve bin/ to allow only verify, clean or add
            (Thx ascheel).
          - Fix issue with batch download and UNC paths (Thx greengeek).
          - Added config option to turn caching on/off, Default is off.
          - Fix issue where file tag pattern was ignored if files have no tag
          - Add TDRC to list of parsed id3v2 tags.
          - Fix issue where rating could get cached and not update the display
            correctly until a page reload.
          - Fix User Stats having a formating issue and not listing the active
            playlist correctly.
          - Fix incorrect default ogg transcode target format in the default
            config file.
          - Fix issue where the user preferences were not respected by the
            streaming code due to caching.
          - Fix issue where prevent multiple logins would prevent all logins.
       * Increased debhelper to >=7.0.50, for the use of dh overrides in 
       * Increased Standards Version to 3.8.3.  No changes needed.
       * Added Spanish debconf template translation es.po.  Thx Fran 
          Closes: #552701.
       * Added Japanese debconf template translation ja.po.  Thx Hideki 
          Closes: #554089.
       * Added php5-cli to debian/control Depends field.  Closes: #553313.
       * Removed the find rule for messages.po as it has been corrected upstream.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Thu, 19 Nov 2009 16:23:35 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
       * Added quilt to debian/control Build Depends section.
       * Added debian/patches
       * Added debian/patches/01_mysql_real_escape_string.  mysql_escape_string() is
         depreciated and mysql_real_escape_string() should be used instead.  This is
         needed to correct for a possible sql_injection vulnerability.
       * Changed debhelper to (>=7.0.50), this is needed for dh overrides.
       * Bumped Standards Version to 3.8.3 no changes needed.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sun, 18 Oct 2009 23:55:24 -0500
  • ampache (3.5.1-1) unstable; urgency=high
       * Setting urgency to high as this fixes an RC bug.
       * New upstream release.  Summary of new features:  (LP: #377016)
         - Make the PHP error a little clearer for windows users by indicating
           that their version of PHP is < 5.3 (required for windows)
         - Fix random methods not working for Localplay
         - Fix extra space on prefixed albums (Thx ibizaman)
         - Add missing operator on tag and rating searches so they will
           work with other methods (Thx <email address hidden>)
         - Fix get_art_url() so it returns something... 
         - Fix problem with creating new playlists where it doesn't work
           but appending to an existing did. 
         - Fixed issue with url_to_song, also cleaned up the code a bit
         - Fixed issue with Random All Catalogs
         - Fixed issues with API and Tag methods not working as advertised
         - Fix endless loop in getid3() with malformed genre tags in mp3s
         - Fixed show test page always returning false on web path
         - Update Man page to adhear to newer Debian rules
         - Fixed issue with Videos being incorrectly registered with stats
           and now playing as songs. 
         - Fixed missing > in HTML for song row
       * Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.2, no changes needed.
       * Bumped debhelper to dh 7.
         - increased debian/compat to 7.
         - simplified debian/rules.
       * Lintian complains of FreeMonoMedium.ttf being an embeded fonts package.
         FreeMonoMedium.ttf is actually part of the ttf-freefont package.
         - added ttf-freefont to the Depends section of debian/control.
         - added -XFreeMono-Medium to dh_install in debian/rules.
         - added FreeMono.ttf symbolic link to debian/links.
       * Lintian complains of the wrong file permissions for 
         -  /locale/base/, added to 
    	   debian/rules, is not used by ampache proper and 
    	   can be safely removed.  It is only utilized by developers who are 
    	   creating or editing the translation files.
         -  /locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po added find and chmod rule 
    	   to debian/rules.
         -  /locale/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/ added find and chmod rule 
    	   to debian/rules.
         -  /docs/CHANGELOG added find and chmod rule to debian/rules.
       * Lintian complains of wrong-name-for-upstream-changelog
         -  install upstream CHANGELOG to /usr/share/ampache/www/docs
         -  added find and gzip -9 rule to debian/rules
         -  added symlink creation to debian/links to link
            /usr/share/ampache/www/docs/CHANGELOG.gz to 
       * Lacy Marrow has responded and has stated that he is dropping the GPL-3 
         licensing of his work and is now releasing version 5.9.5 of the 
         XSPF JukeBox under the same BSD license that the original version of XSPF 
         Music Player was released under (XSPF JukeBox is based on XSPF Music 
         Player).  So now XSPF Music Player and XSPF JukeBox are now released under
         the same BSD type license.  This closes RC Bug #526719.  Closes: #526719
         - Updated debian/copyright to refect this.
       * Added dh_installman to debian/rules so the manpage now installs correctly.
         - Added debian/ampache.manpages.
       * debian/ampache.config downgraded db_input to medium
       * debian/copyright removed (C) in favor of the word copyright.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Tue, 07 Jul 2009 07:23:35 -0500
  • ampache (3.4.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
        * New upstream release.
        * Fixed debian/ampache.config so debconf now asks questions correctly.
        * Reworked debian/ampache.postinst server restart to be server reload. 
          Added additional check for ampache.cfg.php, then backup ampache.cfg.php
          prior to running  Used full pathname in 

        * Added Suggest section to debian/control.  Demoted php5-gd and phpmyadmin
          to the Suggest section in an attempt to keep extra fonts packages and 
          X11 packages from being pulled in on a server setup.
        * Added Japanese translation.  
        * Changed debian/copyright to the machine readable debian proposed format.
          Updated debian/copyright with Japanese translation copyright info. 
        * Added debian/watch.
        * Changed maintainer email address in debian/control and debian/changelog.
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sat, 17 Jan 2009 18:23:43 -0500
  • ampache (3.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
        * Made package to depend on libjs-prototype to correct a lintian error of
          "courtousy copies of code".  Adjusted debian/control, debian/rules,
          debian/links, postinst, postrm to reflect this dependency.
        * Made package to depend on libphp-snoopy due to CVE-2008-4796.  Adjusted
          debian/control, debian/rules, debian/links, postinst, postrm to reflect
          this dependency. Closes: #504169
        * Removed /usr/share/ampache/www/locale/base/ from package
          to close a potential security hole.  Closes: #496369
     -- Charlie Smotherman <email address hidden>  Sat, 01 Nov 2008 13:47:43 -0500