Change logs for telepathy-qt source package in Sid

  • telepathy-qt (0.9.8+ds-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Update symbols files.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Mon, 03 Aug 2020 00:32:37 +0200
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.8+ds-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.0, no changes required.
      * Stop passing --fail-missing to dh_missing, as it is the default behaviour
        in debhelper compatibility 12+.
      * Update symbols files for GCC 10. (Closes: #957867)
      * Use https for all the links.
      * Update symbols file reference URL in README.source.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Sun, 02 Aug 2020 21:17:13 +0200
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.8+ds-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Remove build dependencies: libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev, python3-dev,
        and qttools5-dev.
      * Change the python3 build dependency to python3:any, as Python is needed
        only as build tool.
      * Update lintian overrides.
      * Update symbols file from the logs of buildds.
      * Do not include /usr/share/dpkg/ in rules anymore, as it is
        not used.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Sun, 24 Nov 2019 09:56:16 +0100
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.8+ds-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * New upstream release.
      * Update Vcs-* fields.
      * Python 3 is used instead of Python 2, so replace python, and python-dev
        with python3, and python3-dev. (Closes: #938643)
      * Remove the unused cmake parameters -DLIB_SUFFIX="/$(DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH)",
        and -DDESIRED_QT_VERSION=5.
      * We do not run the tests (as flaky), so:
        - remove the python3-dbus, and libxml2-utils build dependencies
        - add the -DENABLE_TESTS=NO cmake parameter to stop building them
      * The API documentation is not built, so:
        - remove the -DHAVE_DOT=YES cmake parameter
        - drop the improve-doxygen-build.patch patch
      * Add the -DENABLE_EXAMPLES=NO cmake parameter to disable the building of the
        examples, as they are not shipped.
      * Update symbols files.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.1, no changes required.
      * Bump the debhelper compatibility to 12:
        - switch the debhelper build dependency to debhelper-compat 12
        - remove debian/compat
      * Since we are repacking the tarball (to remove the pre-generated
        - remove the upstream signing key
        - add the +ds suffix to the version
        - adapt the watch file for the +ds suffix, and the lack of signature
      * Add the configuration for the CI on salsa.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Tue, 19 Nov 2019 11:23:08 +0100
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.7-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Update symbols file. (Closes: #897118)
      * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.4, no changes required.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Sat, 28 Apr 2018 17:44:10 +0200
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.7-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Explicitly add build dependencies whose stuff is explicitly searched by
        the build system: libdbus-1-dev, libdbus-glib-1-dev, libglib2.0-dev, and
        libxml2-dev. (Closes: #894154)
      * Remove the pkg-config dependency in libtelepathy-qt5-dev: the majority of
        the reverse dependencies use cmake and its config files, and the rest has
        pkg-config already as build dependency.
      * Drop patch fix_qt4_test_build.patch, since it is useful for the Qt4 build
        which is not done anymore.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Tue, 27 Mar 2018 22:55:29 +0200
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.7-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Properly handle the switch from symlink to directory for all the doc
        directories: (Closes: #886943)
        - add .maintscript snippets for all the binaries, invoking symlink_to_dir
        - add Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} for libtelepathy-qt5-dev (already
          in other binaries)
      * Switch Vcs-* fields to
      * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.3, no changes required.
      * Bump the debhelper compatibility to 11:
        - bump the debhelper build dependency to 11~
        - bump compat to 11
      * Switch from dh_install to dh_missing for --fail-missing.
      * Minor touches to copyright: use https for Format, and switch from
        Upstream-Source to Source.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Sat, 17 Mar 2018 17:31:40 +0100
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.7-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      * Update symbols files from buildd's logs.
      * Remove debian/gbp.conf file, since the packaging repository is not managed
        using git-buildpackage
        - drop note about it in README.source
      * Stop suggesting libtelepathy-qt5-doc in libtelepathy-qt5-dev, since that
        -doc package does not exist.
      * Remove the Qt4 packages, as they are not used in the archive anymore:
        (Closes: #875206)
        - remove the libtelepathy-qt4-2, libtelepathy-qt4-farstream2,
          libtelepathy-qt4-dev, and libtelepathy-qt4-doc packages (Closes: #801817)
        - remove the libqt4-dev, qt4-dev-tools, and qt4-doc-html build dependencies
        - remove the double build in rules
        - remove also the doxygen, and graphviz build dependencies, since there is
          no documentation generated anymore
      * Update Vcs-* fields.
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Mon, 25 Dec 2017 00:47:45 +0100
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.7-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Team upload.
      [ Rohan Garg ]
      * New upstream release
      * Drop upstreamed patches
      * Refresh improve-doxygen-build.patch
      * Add fix_qt4_test_build.patch
      * Bump standards version, no changes required
      [ Pino Toscano ]
      * Update symbols files.
      * Drop libssl build dependency, since it does not seem to be needed, and
        it is not clear why it was added in the first place. (Closes: #882562)
      * Update Vcs-Browser field.
      * Remove libtelepathy-qt4-dbg, and libtelepathy-qt5-dbg in favour of the
        -dbgsym packages.
      * Remove trailing whitespaces in changelog.
      * Simplify watch file, and switch it to https.
      * Drop outdated dpkg-dev build dependency.
      * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.2, no changes required.
      * Remove the get-orig-source target in rules, since plain uscan works fine.
      * Fix the version of the older symbols of libtelepathy-qt5-0, and
        libtelepathy-qt5-farstream0: was surely a typo for 0.9.5.
      * Remove the symlinking of the doc directories to the one of
        libtelepathy-qt4-2, otherwise it makes everything depend on Qt4 (for
        little to no gain).
     -- Pino Toscano <email address hidden>  Sat, 09 Dec 2017 08:27:03 +0100
  • telepathy-qt ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Non-maintainer upload.
      * Add fix-failing-test.patch to fix failing tests on some architectures
        (Closes: #859462)
     -- Dr. Tobias Quathamer <email address hidden>  Wed, 03 May 2017 22:56:53 +0200
  • telepathy-qt ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add fix-deprecated-bsd-source.patch
      * Update force-service-pic.patch to list some necessary dependencies
        (Closes: #819237)
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Fri, 25 Mar 2016 13:56:45 -0700
  • telepathy-qt ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add force-service-pic.patch to allow linking against service library
        from shared libraries. (Closes #80187)
      * Enable python-dbus and add libxml2-utils to build-deps, because tests
        are good.
      * Update vcs urls to use secure urls.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Thu, 28 Jan 2016 21:14:52 -0800
  • telepathy-qt ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update libssl depenency to libssl1.0.2 (Closes: #805555)
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Wed, 02 Dec 2015 11:42:19 -0800
  • telepathy-qt ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add gstreamer-1.5.patch (Closes: #800629)
        (Works around changes to location of gstreamer)
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Tue, 06 Oct 2015 16:07:14 -0700
  • telepathy-qt ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update symbols files with build logs
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Wed, 26 Aug 2015 14:54:58 -0700
  • telepathy-qt ( unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
      * Update symbols files.
      * Update Diane Trout's email address.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Fri, 03 Jul 2015 15:36:45 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.5+dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update both symbols files.
        - tagged symbols in qt5 as optional=gccinternal
        - changed a couple of symbols in qt4 as gccinternal instead
          of inline
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Sun, 24 May 2015 23:32:58 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.5+dfsg-5) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update libtelepathy-qt4-2.symbols
        - Tag a few armel symbols as being optional.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Sat, 23 May 2015 19:15:49 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.5+dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update telpathy submols files.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Thu, 21 May 2015 16:59:13 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.5+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Remove libssl1.0.0 version dependency (Closes: #784300)
      * Add myself and Michał Zając to the debian/copyright block
      * Update libtelepathy-qt5-0.symbols
      * Disable python-dbus, python-gobject build-depends as they are
        for disabled tests.
      * Move uscan --repack command out of separate script and into
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Thu, 07 May 2015 13:12:05 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.5+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Updates that should have been included in the 0.9.5+dfsg-1 changelog.
        - The dfsg repack was triggered by the inclusion of a minified
          jquery library. Since I needed to repack, I stripped out
          the pre-built documentation.
        - I added a limitation against using libssl1.0.0 >= 1.0.2
          from experimental because of changed symbols
      * Update standards-version to 3.9.6, no changes needed.
      * Update symbols files using many architectures.
        - Removed several optional symbols that didn't appear on
          any architecture.
      * Release to unstable.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Sat, 25 Apr 2015 17:14:10 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.4+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Move building documentation to override_dh_auto_build-indep target.
      * Use dh_doxygen -i in override_dh_instaldocs so it only triesto clean
        documentation when building the indep package.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:38:12 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.4+dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Add update-doxygen.patch to remove deprecated tags.
      * replace dh_doxygen with directly searching for doxygen .map and .md5s
        The dh_doxygen version wasn't finding the unneeded files and was
        causing the build to fail.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Sun, 22 Jun 2014 22:54:13 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.4+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
      * New upstream release.
      * Verify upstream pgp signature.
      * Remove fix_storing_avatars.patch. Applied upstream.
      * Remove create_moc_command.patch. Applied upstream.
      * Remove link-against-gobject.patch. Seems unnecessary.
      * Update libtelepathy-qt4-2 symbols file.
      * Add get-orig-source target to repack upstream to remove minified jquery.js
      * Add improve-doxygen-build.patch to fix issues with doxygen build process
      * Add qt4-dev-tools and qt4-doc-html to build-depends so we can
        rebuild documentation.
      * Install documentation from build directory.
      * Clean up doxygen documentation tree.
      * Specify location of local Qt documentation.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Thu, 19 Jun 2014 10:31:23 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium
      * Update symbols files for other architectures.
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Tue, 03 Jun 2014 23:12:56 -0700
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Remove version requirement from pkg-config dependency (Closes: #734489)
      * Update Standards-Version to 3.9.5. No Changes needed.
      * Update debian/libtelepathy-qt4-2.symbols for 0.9.3 symbols.
      * Explicitly use pkg-kde-tools for its symbol helper utilities.
      * Explicitly force build type RelWithDebInfo
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Mon, 20 Jan 2014 14:47:29 -0800
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add fix_storing_avatars.patch. Fixes issue storing avatars
        multiple times.
      * Remove python compiled byte-code during debian auto_clean target.
      * Add create_moc_command.patch to work around a change in a recent
        cmake macro. (Closes: #728675)
     -- Diane Trout <email address hidden>  Wed, 27 Nov 2013 08:49:05 -0800
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Team upload.
      [ Diane Trout ]
      * New upstream release.
      * Bump libfarstream-0.1-dev, libtelepathy-farstream-dev,
             libtelepathy-glib-dev dependencies.
      * Remove fix_ftbfs_gcc47.patch applied upstream.
      * Update libtelepathy-qt4-2.symbols.
      * Remove git-buildpackage directory configuration options.
      * Remove uneeded shlib:Depends from libtelepathy-qt4-dev control .
      * Refresh patches.
      * Add patch link-against-gobject.patch to provide g_object symbols
        used by libtelepathy-qt4-farstream.
      * Add myself to Uploaders.
      * Update Vcs-* fields to canonical URIs.
      * Update Standards-Version: 3.9.4. No changes needed.
      * Add Multi-Arch: same to libtelepathy-qt4-dbg.
      [ Michał Zając ]
      * Drop fvisibility-inlines-hidden.patch - went upstream
      * Change the Maintainer, ACKed by Simon McVittie:
        - Change the Maintainers field to the KDE extras team.
        - Update the Uploaders.
      * Update symbols file
      * Updated Vcs-* fields
      [ Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer ]
      * Remove upstream stuff from the repo. We are going to keep only debian/ on
      * Update symbols file with current amd64 build.
     -- Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <email address hidden>  Fri, 05 Jul 2013 17:48:44 -0300
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add extra (optional=inline) markings on all inline
        symbols that still appear in the symbols file and confirm
        it with pkgkde-symbolshelper for all architectures. (Closes: #676259)
     -- George Kiagiadakis <email address hidden>  Sun, 17 Jun 2012 11:08:30 +0200
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
      * Add patch fvisibility-inlines-hidden.patch to pass
        -fvisibility-inlines-hidden to the compiler and avoid
        having inline functions in the symbols file.
      * Cleanup libtelepathy-qt4-2.symbols from all inline
        functions to fix FTBFS (Closes: #676259).
     -- George Kiagiadakis <email address hidden>  Thu, 07 Jun 2012 00:20:45 +0200
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
      * Team upload.
      * Fix FTBFS due to jquery symlink creation
     -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>  Tue, 05 Jun 2012 12:47:15 +0200
  • telepathy-qt (0.9.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
      * Team upload.
      * New upstream release. (Closes: #647835)
        - Upstream source package renamed to telepathy-qt
      [ Laurent Bigonville ]
      * Build against farstream instead of farsight (Closes: #672107)
      * Bump soname of both libraries
      * Bump build-dependencies
      * Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
      * debian/control: Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.3 (no further changes)
      * Bump debhelper compatibility to 9
      * debian/watch: Update watch file to match new upstream name
      * Link jquery.js file to the one provided by libjs-jquery
      [ George Kiagiadakis ]
      * Change the gcc-4.7 ftbfs patch to use the upstream patch.
      * Switch build system to dh.
      * Convert to multiarch.
      * Install the TelepathyQt4*Config.cmake and related files.
      * Add symbols files.
      * Update README.source.
      * Update debian/copyright.
     -- Laurent Bigonville <email address hidden>  Mon, 04 Jun 2012 14:33:00 +0200