evince (3.16.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Fabian Greffrath ]
* Build only the full-flavored variant of Evince (Closes: #755071).
+ Disable building of the evince-gtk flavor.
+ Turn evince-gtk into a transitional package that depends on evince.
+ Add Breaks and Replaces to the evince package accordingly.
+ Move gvfs from Recommends to Suggests.
+ Exclude the "/usr/lib/nautilus/" path from dh_shlibdeps to avoid
the infamous dependency on libnautilus*.
* Append "-Wl,--as-needed -Wl,-z,defs" to LDFLAGS to avoid more
unnecessary dependencies.
[ Michael Biebl ]
* Remove leftover bits from the flavors build which are no longer necessary.
* New upstream release.
* Drop obsolete Breaks/Replaces from pre-wheezy.
* Update debian/libevdocument3-4.symbols, add new symbols.
* Install AppData files.
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
* Bump Build-Depends on libgtk-3-dev to (>= 3.15.3) as per
* Drop Build-Depends on gnome-icon-theme, no longer needed.
-- Michael Biebl <email address hidden> Wed, 24 Jun 2015 23:40:06 +0200