Change log for diff-ext package in Debian

16 of 6 results
Deleted in wheezy-release (Reason: None provided.)
Deleted in sid-release (Reason: None provided.)
diff-ext (0.3.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
  * Acknowledge NMU, thanks Luk Claes for the patch!  * debian/control:    - updating my e-mail since my old address is no longer      available. (Closes: #630818)    - Bumped Standards-Version to latest 3.8.4. -- Andrea Veri <email address hidden>  Tue, 12 Jul 2011 17:17:02 +0200
Superseded in sid-release
diff-ext (0.3.2-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
  * Non-maintainer upload.  * Don't ship .la files (Closes: #621192). -- Luk Claes <email address hidden>  Sat, 11 Jun 2011 17:52:17 +0200
Superseded in wheezy-release
Published in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
diff-ext (0.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release.
    - diff-ext do *not* silently fail when a diff tool is
      missing anymore. (Closes: #475586)
  * debian/control:
    - diff-ext now recommends meld instead of kdiff
    - libgconf2-dev updated to >= 2.14 as per
    - libgnomevfs2-dev updated to >= 2.14 as per
    - added a B-D on libgtk2.0-dev as per requirements.
    - added a B-D on libglib2.0-dev >= 2.14.0 as per
    - added a B-D on intltool preventing a FTBFS cause missing intltool
  * debian/compat:
    - bumped to reflect dh level.
  * debian/rules:
    - dh_clean -k moved to dh_prep preventing a lintian warning.
 -- Andrea Veri <email address hidden>  Wed, 23 Sep 2009 10:35:41 +0200
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
diff-ext (0.2.3-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Acknowledge NMU, thanks Andreas Henriksson and Chris Lamb!
  * debian/control:
    - Changed my mail address.
    - Added Sergey Zorin as co-maintainer, he will help me
      out with upstream issues. (Closes: #536170)
    - Bzr-Vcs field removed, it's no more needed as far as
      I won't maintain this package on bzr now. (probably in
      the future)
    - added DM-Upload-Allowed field: I'll be a DM really soon.
    - Bumped Standards-Version to latest 3.8.3.
    - Bumped dh to level 7.
  * debian/rules:
    - added some hacks which will fix diff-ext's crossbuild detection. (for
      Thanks to Kumar Appaiah for the patch. (Closes: #542530)
  * debian/copyright:
    - adjusted 'downloaded from' field to match new sf's projects layout.

 -- Andrea Veri <email address hidden>  Fri, 28 Aug 2009 11:52:39 +0200
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
diff-ext (0.2.3-3.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * Add missing Build-Depends on libgconf2-dev and libgnomevfs2-dev to fix
    FTBFS. Thanks to Chris Taylor <email address hidden> for testing.
    (Closes: #523505)

  [Andreas Henriksson]
   *, configure:
     - Check and use gconf-2.0 and gnome-vfs-2.0 modules when building, since
       it's not possible to rely on nautilus dragging these in since 2.22.0.
       (Closes: #475236)
   * debian/control:
     - Add version >= 2.22.0 to libnautilus-extension-dev build-dependency to
       make sure this experimental upload gets built against the experimental
       version of the library.
     - Recommend kdiff3, as this is the default diff tool and diff-ext silently
       fails if it can't launch the diff tool.
 -- Chris Lamb <email address hidden>  Thu, 30 Jul 2009 18:51:21 +0200
Superseded in squeeze-release
Superseded in sid-release
Published in lenny-release
diff-ext (0.2.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * debian/rules: 
    - removed --with-gconf-source configure variable (seems to be not
      compatible on some build machines having a not-writable home dir)
      adding a --disable-schemas-install instead. Now schemas won't be
      installed during the build run but *after* using the shipped postinst
      file added in the previous revision. Fixes the FTBFS on amd64, powerpc, 
      s390, ia64, m68k, sparc archs. (Closes: #451897)
  * debian/copyright:
    - updated upstream's download URL to point to diff-ext's sf project
      downloads page.
  * other changes I forgot to add in the 0.2.3-2 changelog's entry are:
    - debian/control:
      - diff-ext now directly depends on gconf2. Lintian warning fixed.
    - debian/rules: 
      - make distclean rule updated using the one suggested by lintian.
        Lintian warning fixed.
    - config.sub, config.guess:
      - both updated using the examples provided by the autotools-dev package.
        Lintian won't complain about old config.* files in the upstream tree

 -- Andrea Veri <email address hidden>  Mon, 26 Nov 2007 20:35:42 +0100
16 of 6 results