Change log for collectl-utils package in Debian

13 of 3 results
Deleted in stretch-release (Reason: None provided.)
Published in jessie-release
Deleted in sid-release (Reason: None provided.)
collectl-utils (4.8.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * [colplot]
  * pattern matching in a few places in colplotlib wasn't correctly dealing
    with files that had a name with a string of digits surrounded by hypens in
    their hostname portion
  * update copyright with correct date range
  * allow CPU filters to be expressed as ranges
  * force vertical mode when links param set (which only done in and
    comment out error test below which I don't even remember why is there!
  * added L param to to allow disabling links from tiny plots
  * added -lastmins to help (it was always available but I forgot to add it)
  * was appending *.gz to globspec even if already ending in '*' which caused
    files to be found multiple times
  * when plotting files with the 'last n-minutes' feature it continues to use
    the last modified timestamp on the file itself and so can plot files from
    the past.  however, it will now look at the timezone the file was
    generated in and if different than the local timezone will use the local
    times for that files x*axis, allowing you to mix files from different
  * was not correctly stripping out fileroot for png files and so 'tab', etc
    was being included in png filename
  * changed default plot directory to /var/log/collectl and if no date there
    colplot WILL still start but display a warning and set a maximum range
    from from/thru
  * not all <label> tags had ending tags and that confused firefox
  * need to NOT use space as default separator when splitting out column names
  * -showplot wasn't properly sorting by subsys for html output
  * make debug message missing data fields for mask 16 more explicit
  * [colmux]
  * strip leading whitespace in address file
  * in single-line format remove domain name from host to aid in column naming
  * clarifed help text for -hostwidth, which is actually a MINIMUM width not
    an absolute one
  * new switches
  * colhelp puts column numbers over each column in multiline format to aid
    with column<RETURN> interactive command
  * colbin to allow running collectl from specific directory
  * colnodiv names the columns which NOT to apply any colk or col1000 to
  * noescape eliminates all escape sequences from output
  * discovered looking for switch named colnodetflag instead of just colnodet
  * added -sshkey to help output
  * was not dealing correctly with multiline formatting for hosts < 9 chars
  * [colgui]
  * removed from kit as promised

 -- Troy Heber <email address hidden>  Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:48:53 -0600

Available diffs

Superseded in jessie-release
Superseded in sid-release
collectl-utils (4.7.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Collect-utils is a collection of multiple utilities. Prior to the version
    4.7.1 each utility had its own unique versioning. This release moves
    collectl*utils, colplot and colmux to a single version.
  * [colplot] dropped release notes older than 4.0.0 which are from 2006 and
  * [colplot] no changes to colplot itself after 4.6.4
  * [colplot] the key attribute 'vertical' is only available starting with
    gnuplot V4.2 

  * [colmux] dropped release notes older than 3.0.0 which was a complete
    rewrite anyway
  * [colmux] add 'u' and 'd' as paging commands you can type interactively if
    you don't have TermReadKey installed
  * [colmux] new switch: -colhelp will include numbers on top of each colum in
    multi*line mode to help identify them for when you don't have TermReadKey
    in stalled [thanks, John]
  * [colmux] added colmux release notes from 3.4.2 after older colplot notes
  * [colmux] added -keepalive with will tell ssh to send periodic keepalives,
    preventing long*lived connections from timing out and losing connectivity
    [thanks Vishal]

 -- Troy Heber <email address hidden>  Sat, 23 Mar 2013 11:51:34 -0600

Available diffs

Published in wheezy-release
Superseded in sid-release
collectl-utils (3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Release (Closes: #679026)

 -- Troy Heber <email address hidden>  Mon, 25 Jun 2012 12:51:18 -0600
13 of 3 results