project directory on NTFS partition

Asked by Devang Pipaliya

Hi there, I wanted to modify ubuntu 16.04 iso but I created the project on NTFS partition and then I found that it is unable to " Extract the compressed Linux file system." on 22 %

I have run the program command line to see if any information I can gather on this error. and that is given below:

demo@trial-pc:~$ cubic

Cubic - Custom Ubuntu ISO Creator

  • Set application cubic version.......... Empty
  • Set application kernel version......... Empty
  • Set application directory.............. Empty
  • Set application theme variant.......... Empty
  • Set project cubic version.............. Empty
  • Set project create date................ Empty
  • Set project modify date................ Empty
  • Set project directory.................. Empty
  • Set project configuration filepath..... Empty
  • Set project iso mount point............ Empty
  • Set project custom root directory...... Empty
  • Set project custom disk directory...... Empty
  • Set original iso filename.............. Empty
  • Set original iso directory............. Empty
  • Set original iso volume id............. Empty
  • Set original iso release name.......... Empty
  • Set original iso disk name............. Empty
  • Set custom iso version number.......... Empty
  • Set custom iso filename................ Empty
  • Set custom iso directory............... Empty
  • Set custom iso volume id............... Empty
  • Set custom iso release name............ Empty
  • Set custom iso disk name............... Empty
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty
  • Set options boot configurations........ Empty
  • Set options compression................ Empty
  • Using GtkSource version................ 4

Start Cubic

  • Set application directory.............. /usr/share/cubic
  • Execute synchronously.................. dpkg-query --showformat="${Version}
                                            " --show "cubic"
  • The process id is...................... 132503
  • Set application cubic version.......... 2020.07-29-release~202007142249~ubun
  • Execute synchronously.................. uname -r
  • The process id is...................... 132506
  • Set application kernel version......... 5.4.0-45-generic
  • Distribution........................... ubuntu
  • Setup.................................. compression page
  • Setup.................................. copy page
  • Setup.................................. delete page
  • Setup.................................. extract page
  • Setup.................................. finish page
  • Setup.................................. generate page
  • Setup.................................. migrate page
  • Setup.................................. options page
  • Setup.................................. packages page
  • Setup.................................. prepare page
  • Setup.................................. project page
  • Setup.................................. start page
  • Setup.................................. terminal page
/usr/share/cubic/ DeprecationWarning: Gio.Settings.list_relocatable_schemas is deprecated
  schemas = Gio.Settings.list_relocatable_schemas()
  • Set terminal colors?................... Yes

Handle navigation from no page on open action

  • Interrupt previous thread.............. No thread
  • Current page........................... no page
  • Action................................. open
  • New page............................... start page

Navigate from no page to start page on open action

  • Set project cubic version.............. 2020.07-29-release~202007142249~ubun
  • Show new page.......................... start page

Clicked project directory page project directory file chooser open button

Clicked directory chooser select button

  • The selected directory is.............. /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss

  Directory selected
  • Directory.............................. /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss

  Project directory changed
  • Set project directory.................. /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • Set project modify date................ Friday September 04, 2020 05:36 PM
  • Set project configuration filepath..... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss

  Load configuration
  • Load configuration..................... 2020 Layout
  • Set project create date................ Friday September 04, 2020 05:20 PM
  • Set original iso filename.............. ubuntu-16.04.7-desktop-amd64.iso
  • Set original iso directory............. /media/demo/wd_data1/win_software/os
  • Set original iso volume id............. Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS amd64
  • Set original iso release name.......... Xenial Xerus
  • Set original iso disk name............. Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS "Xenial Xerus" -
                                            Release amd64
  • Set custom iso version number.......... 2020.09.04
  • Set custom iso filename................ ubuntu-16.04.7-2020.09.04-desktop-
  • Set custom iso directory............... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • Set custom iso volume id............... Ubuntu 16.04.7 2020.09.04 LTS am
  • Set custom iso release name............ Custom Xenial Xerus
  • Set custom iso disk name............... Ubuntu 16.04.7 2020.09.04 LTS am
                                            "Custom Xenial Xerus"
  • Set status casper directory............ casper
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',
  • Clicked................................ Next

Handle navigation from start page on next action

  • Interrupt previous thread.............. No thread
  • Current page........................... start page
  • Action................................. next
  • New page............................... project page

Navigate from start page to project page on next action

  • Set project iso mount point............ /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • Set project custom root directory...... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • Set project custom disk directory...... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss

  Check if the mount point is mounted
  • The mount point is..................... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • Is mounted?............................ False

  Create directory
  • Directory.............................. /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss

  Mount the iso image
  • The mount point is..................... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • The iso filepath is.................... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • Execute synchronously.................. mount "/media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cu
                                            bic_oss/16_04_gnome/source-disk" "/m
  • The process id is...................... 132583
  • The result is.......................... mount: /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cu
                                            WARNING: device write-protected,
                                            mounted read-only.
  • The exit status, signal status is...... 0, None

  Initialize the status fields from the
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ casper
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty

  Initialize the options fields from the
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',

  Initialize the original fields from the
  • Set original iso filename value........ ubuntu-16.04.7-desktop-amd64.iso
  • Set original iso directory value....... /media/demo/wd_data1/win_software/os
  • Set original iso volume id value....... Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS amd64
  • Set original iso release name value.... Xenial Xerus
  • Set original iso disk name value....... Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS "Xenial Xerus" -
                                            Release amd64
  • Is original iso version number
    valid?................................. True

  Check if the iso image is mounted
  • The mount point is..................... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • The iso filepath is.................... /media/demo/wd_data1/win_software/os
  • Execute synchronously.................. mount
  • The process id is...................... 132600
  • Is mounted?............................ True
  • Is original iso filename valid?........ True
  • Is original iso directory valid?....... True
  • Is original iso volume id valid?....... True
  • Is original iso release name valid?.... True
  • Is original iso disk name valid?....... True

  Initialize the custom fields from the
  • Set custom iso version number value.... 2020.09.04
  • Set custom iso filename value.......... ubuntu-16.04.7-2020.09.04-desktop-
  • Set custom iso directory value......... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • Set custom iso volume id value......... Ubuntu 16.04.7 2020.09.04 LTS am
  • Set custom iso release name value...... Custom Xenial Xerus
  • Set custom iso disk name value......... Ubuntu 16.04.7 2020.09.04 LTS am
                                            "Custom Xenial Xerus"
  • Is custom iso version number valid?.... True
  • Is custom iso filename valid?.......... True
  • Is custom iso directory valid?......... True
  • Is custom iso volume id valid?......... True
  • Is custom iso release name valid?...... True
  • Is custom iso disk name valid?......... True
  • Is page valid?......................... True
  • Hide old page.......................... start page
  • Show new page.......................... project page
  • Clicked................................ Next

Handle navigation from project page on next action

  • Interrupt previous thread.............. No thread
  • Current page........................... project page
  • Action................................. next
  • New page............................... extract page

Navigate from project page to extract page on next action

  Save configuration
  • Save configuration..................... 2020 Layout
  • Hide old page.......................... project page
  • Show new page.......................... extract page

  Extract the compressed Linux file system.
  • The target path is..................... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • The source path is..................... /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss
  • The progress tracker................... Started
  • The progress tracker id is............. 140197009823488
  • The process started at................. 17:37:06.808780
  • Completed.............................. 0%
  • Execute asynchronously................. extract-root "/media/demo/wd_data1/l
                                            root" "/media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cu
  • The process id is...................... 132642
  • Completed.............................. 10%
  • Completed.............................. 20%
  • Stop the progress tracker with id...... 140197009823488
  • Error.................................. An exception occurred.
  • The process stopped at................. 17:38:53.430945
  • The exit status, signal status is...... 1, None
  • The exception is....................... End Of File (EOF). Exception style
                                            platform. <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn
                                            object at 0x7f821335af10> command:
                                            /usr/bin/pkexec args:
                                            root', b'/media/demo/wd_data1/linux/
                                            buffer (last 100 chars): '' before
                                            (last 100 chars):
                                            because Invalid argument\r\n' after:
                                            <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
                                            match: None match_index: None
                                            exitstatus: None flag_eof: True pid:
                                            132642 child_fd: 28 closed: False
                                            timeout: 300 delimiter: <class
                                            'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'> logfile:
                                            None logfile_read: None
                                            logfile_send: None maxread: 2000
                                            ignorecase: False searchwindowsize:
                                            None delaybeforesend: 0.05
                                            delayafterclose: 0.1
                                            delayafterterminate: 0.1 searcher:
                                            searcher_re: 0: re.compile('[0-9
  • The tracekback is...................... Traceback (most recent call last):
                                            File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            166, in read_nonblocking s =
                                  , size)
                                            OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output
                                            error During handling of the above
                                            exception, another exception
                                            occurred: Traceback (most recent
                                            call last): File
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            111, in expect_loop incoming = s
                                            timeout) File
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            485, in read_nonblocking return
                                            self).read_nonblocking(size) File
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            171, in read_nonblocking raise
                                            EOF('End Of File (EOF). Exception
                                            style platform.')
                                            pexpect.exceptions.EOF: End Of File
                                            (EOF). Exception style platform.
                                            During handling of the above
                                            exception, another exception
                                            occurred: Traceback (most recent
                                            call last): File "/usr/share/cubic
                                            /utilities/", line 244,
                                            in process_command if not done:
                                            raise exception File "/usr/share/c
                                            ubic/utilities/", line
                                            239, in process_command
                                            File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            340, in expect return self.expec
                                            t_list(compiled_pattern_list, File
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            369, in expect_list return
                                            exp.expect_loop(timeout) File
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            117, in expect_loop return
                                            self.eof(e) File
                                            packages/pexpect/", line
                                            63, in eof raise EOF(msg)
                                            pexpect.exceptions.EOF: End Of File
                                            (EOF). Exception style platform.
                                            <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at
                                            0x7f821335af10> command:
                                            /usr/bin/pkexec args:
                                            root', b'/media/demo/wd_data1/linux/
                                            buffer (last 100 chars): '' before
                                            (last 100 chars):
                                            because Invalid argument\r\n' after:
                                            <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
                                            match: None match_index: None
                                            exitstatus: None flag_eof: True pid:
                                            132642 child_fd: 28 closed: False
                                            timeout: 300 delimiter: <class
                                            'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'> logfile:
                                            None logfile_read: None
                                            logfile_send: None maxread: 2000
                                            ignorecase: False searchwindowsize:
                                            None delaybeforesend: 0.05
                                            delayafterclose: 0.1
                                            delayafterterminate: 0.1 searcher:
                                            searcher_re: 0: re.compile('[0-9
  • The message is......................... FATAL ERROR:write_file: failed to
                                            create file /media/demo/wd_data1/lin
                                            because Invalid argument
  • Interrupted the progress tracker....... Interrupt Exception
  • The progress tracker................... Stopped

Help me out here. I have enough space available in m,y NTFS partition compared to ROOT & HOME partition so I proceed with NTFS.

Question information

Revision history for this message
Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

The message is
FATAL ERROR:write_file: failed to create file /media/demo/wd_data1/linux/cubic_oss/16_04_gnome/custom-root/usr/share/app-install/desktop/0ad:0ad.desktop, because Invalid argument

You cannot use NTFS, because NTFS is unable to handle files with a name that contains a colon.

Can you help with this problem?

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