Unable to Extract the compressed Linux File System

Asked by Abhay Patel

I am trying to create custom Ubuntu 18.04 iso but i am getting this error
"Error : Unable to extract the compressed Linux FIle System"
It always stops at 73 percent. I have tried many time but same error
I have Ubuntu 20.04(just updated from ubuntu 18.04 few days ago) running on KDE Plasma
and here is the log that i got in terminal
I am new to Cubic

Cubic - Custom Ubuntu ISO Creator

  • Set application cubic version.......... Empty
  • Set application kernel version......... Empty
  • Set application directory.............. Empty
  • Set application theme variant.......... Empty
  • Set project cubic version.............. Empty
  • Set project create date................ Empty
  • Set project modify date................ Empty
  • Set project directory.................. Empty
  • Set project configuration filepath..... Empty
  • Set project iso mount point............ Empty
  • Set project custom root directory...... Empty
  • Set project custom disk directory...... Empty
  • Set original iso filename.............. Empty
  • Set original iso directory............. Empty
  • Set original iso volume id............. Empty
  • Set original iso release name.......... Empty
  • Set original iso disk name............. Empty
  • Set custom iso version number.......... Empty
  • Set custom iso filename................ Empty
  • Set custom iso directory............... Empty
  • Set custom iso volume id............... Empty
  • Set custom iso release name............ Empty
  • Set custom iso disk name............... Empty
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty
  • Set options boot configurations........ Empty
  • Set options compression................ Empty
  • Using GtkSource version................ 3.0

Start Cubic

  • Set application directory.............. /usr/share/cubic
  • Execute synchronously.................. dpkg-query --showformat="${Version}
                                            " --show "cubic"
  • The process id is...................... 3642
  • Set application cubic version.......... 2020.07-29-release~202007142249~ubun
  • Execute synchronously.................. uname -r
  • The process id is...................... 3645
  • Set application kernel version......... 5.4.0-42-generic
  • Distribution........................... ubuntu
  • Setup.................................. compression page
  • Setup.................................. copy page
  • Setup.................................. delete page
  • Setup.................................. extract page
  • Setup.................................. finish page
  • Setup.................................. generate page
  • Setup.................................. migrate page
  • Setup.................................. options page
  • Setup.................................. packages page
  • Setup.................................. prepare page
  • Setup.................................. project page
  • Setup.................................. start page
  • Setup.................................. terminal page
/usr/share/cubic/cubic.py:206: DeprecationWarning: Gio.Settings.list_relocatable_schemas is deprecated
  schemas = Gio.Settings.list_relocatable_schemas()
  • Set terminal colors?................... Yes

Handle navigation from no page on open action

  • Interrupt previous thread.............. No thread
  • Current page........................... no page
  • Action................................. open
  • New page............................... start page

Navigate from no page to start page on open action

  • Set project cubic version.............. 2020.07-29-release~202007142249~ubun
  • Show new page.......................... start page

Clicked project directory page project directory file chooser open button

Clicked directory chooser select button

  • The selected directory is.............. /media/vikas/Backup/OS

  Directory selected
  • Directory.............................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS

  Project directory changed
  • Set project directory.................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS
  • Set project modify date................ Monday August 10, 2020 06:17 PM
  • Set project configuration filepath..... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/cubic.conf
  • Initialize configuration............... 2020 Layout
  • Set project create date................ Monday August 10, 2020 06:17 PM
  • Clicked................................ Next

Handle navigation from start page on next action

  • Interrupt previous thread.............. No thread
  • Current page........................... start page
  • Action................................. next
  • New page............................... project page

Navigate from start page to project page on next action

  • Set project iso mount point............ /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Set project custom root directory...... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/custom-root
  • Set project custom disk directory...... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/custom-disk

  Initialize the status fields
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty

  Initialize the options fields
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',

  Initialize the original fields

  Initialize the custom fields
  • Is page valid?......................... False
  • Hide old page.......................... start page
  • Show new page.......................... project page

Clicked project page original iso image filepath file chooser open button

Clicked ISO image chooser select button

  • The selected filepath is............... /media/vikas/Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
  • Selected filepath...................... /media/vikas/Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
  • Unmount iso............................ /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Execute synchronously.................. unmount
  • The process id is...................... 3759
  • The result is.......................... umount:
                                            no mount point specified.
  • The exit status, signal status is...... 32, None

  Initialize the status fields
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty

  Initialize the options fields
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',

  Initialize the original fields

  Initialize the custom fields
  • Is page valid?......................... False

Clicked project page original iso image filepath file chooser open button

Clicked ISO image chooser select button

  • The selected filepath is............... /media/vikas/Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
  • Selected filepath...................... /media/vikas/Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
  • Unmount iso............................ /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Execute synchronously.................. unmount
  • The process id is...................... 3795
  • The result is.......................... umount:
                                            no mount point specified.
  • The exit status, signal status is...... 32, None

  Initialize the status fields
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty

  Initialize the options fields
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',

  Initialize the original fields

  Initialize the custom fields
  • Is page valid?......................... False

Clicked project page original iso image filepath file chooser open button

Clicked ISO image chooser select button

  • The selected filepath is............... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-
  • Selected filepath...................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-

  Check if the mount point is mounted
  • The mount point is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Is mounted?............................ False

  Create directory
  • Directory.............................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk

  Mount the iso image
  • The mount point is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • The iso filepath is.................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Execute synchronously.................. mount
  • The process id is...................... 3838
  • The result is.......................... mount:
                                            WARNING: device write-protected,
                                            mounted read-only.
  • The exit status, signal status is...... 0, None

  Initialize the status fields
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty

  Initialize the options fields
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',

  Initialize the original fields from the
  • Set original iso directory value....... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux
  • Set original iso filename value........ ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso

  Get ISO image volume id
  • ISO image.............................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-
  • Execute synchronously.................. isoinfo -d -i "/media/vikas/Backup/O
  • The process id is...................... 3853
  • ISO image volume id.................... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64
  • Set original iso volume id value....... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64

  Get ISO image release name
  • ISO image mount point.................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Execute synchronously.................. cat "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-
  • The process id is...................... 3855
  • ISO image release name................. Bionic Beaver
  • Set original iso release name value.... Bionic Beaver

  Get ISO image disk name
  • ISO image mount point.................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Execute synchronously.................. cat "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-
  • The process id is...................... 3856
  • ISO image disk name.................... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS "Bionic Beaver" -
                                            Release amd64
  • Set original iso disk name value....... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS "Bionic Beaver" -
                                            Release amd64
  • Is original iso version number
    valid?................................. True

  Check if the iso image is mounted
  • The mount point is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • The iso filepath is.................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-
  • Execute synchronously.................. mount
  • The process id is...................... 3858
  • Is mounted?............................ True
  • Is original iso filename valid?........ True
  • Is original iso directory valid?....... True
  • Is original iso volume id valid?....... True
  • Is original iso release name valid?.... True
  • Is original iso disk name valid?....... True

  Initialize the custom fields from the iso
  • Set custom iso version number value.... 2020.08.10

  Construct custom ISO image filename
  • The original ISO image filename is..... ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso
  • The custom ISO image version number
    is..................................... 2020.08.10
  • text a................................. ubuntu-
  • release................................ 18.04
  • point release.......................... .2
  • text b................................. -desktop-amd64
  • Set custom iso filename value.......... ubuntu-18.04.2-2020.08.10-desktop-
  • Set custom iso directory value......... /media/vikas/Backup/OS

  Construct custom ISO image volume id
  • The original ISO image volume id is.... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64
  • The custom ISO image version number
    is..................................... 2020.08.10
  • text a................................. Ubuntu
  • release................................ 18.04
  • point release.......................... .2
  • text b................................. LTS amd64
  • Set custom iso volume id value......... Ubuntu 18.04.2 2020.08.10 LTS am
  • Set custom iso release name value...... Custom Bionic Beaver
  • Set custom iso disk name value......... Ubuntu 18.04.2 2020.08.10 LTS am
                                            "Custom Bionic Beaver"
  • Is custom iso version number valid?.... True
  • Is custom iso filename valid?.......... True
  • Is custom iso directory valid?......... True
  • Is custom iso volume id valid?......... True
  • Is custom iso release name valid?...... True
  • Is custom iso disk name valid?......... True
  • Is page valid?......................... True

Clicked ISO image chooser select button

  • The selected filepath is............... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-
  • Selected filepath...................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-

  Check if the mount point is mounted
  • The mount point is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Is mounted?............................ True

  Check if the iso image is mounted
  • The mount point is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • The iso filepath is.................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-
  • Execute synchronously.................. mount
  • The process id is...................... 3859
  • Is mounted?............................ True

  Initialize the status fields
  • Set status is success copy............. False
  • Set status is success extract.......... False
  • Set status casper directory............ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum................ Empty
  • Set status iso checksum filename....... Empty

  Initialize the options fields
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',

  Initialize the original fields from the
  • Set original iso directory value....... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux
  • Set original iso filename value........ ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso

  Get ISO image volume id
  • ISO image.............................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-
  • Execute synchronously.................. isoinfo -d -i "/media/vikas/Backup/O
  • The process id is...................... 3860
  • ISO image volume id.................... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64
  • Set original iso volume id value....... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64

  Get ISO image release name
  • ISO image mount point.................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Execute synchronously.................. cat "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-
  • The process id is...................... 3861
  • ISO image release name................. Bionic Beaver
  • Set original iso release name value.... Bionic Beaver

  Get ISO image disk name
  • ISO image mount point.................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • Execute synchronously.................. cat "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-
  • The process id is...................... 3864
  • ISO image disk name.................... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS "Bionic Beaver" -
                                            Release amd64
  • Set original iso disk name value....... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS "Bionic Beaver" -
                                            Release amd64
  • Is original iso version number
    valid?................................. True

  Check if the iso image is mounted
  • The mount point is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • The iso filepath is.................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux/ubuntu-
  • Execute synchronously.................. mount
  • The process id is...................... 3865
  • Is mounted?............................ True
  • Is original iso filename valid?........ True
  • Is original iso directory valid?....... True
  • Is original iso volume id valid?....... True
  • Is original iso release name valid?.... True
  • Is original iso disk name valid?....... True

  Initialize the custom fields from the iso
  • Set custom iso version number value.... 2020.08.10

  Construct custom ISO image filename
  • The original ISO image filename is..... ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso
  • The custom ISO image version number
    is..................................... 2020.08.10
  • text a................................. ubuntu-
  • release................................ 18.04
  • point release.......................... .2
  • text b................................. -desktop-amd64
  • Set custom iso filename value.......... ubuntu-18.04.2-2020.08.10-desktop-
  • Set custom iso directory value......... /media/vikas/Backup/OS

  Construct custom ISO image volume id
  • The original ISO image volume id is.... Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64
  • The custom ISO image version number
    is..................................... 2020.08.10
  • text a................................. Ubuntu
  • release................................ 18.04
  • point release.......................... .2
  • text b................................. LTS amd64
  • Set custom iso volume id value......... Ubuntu 18.04.2 2020.08.10 LTS am
  • Set custom iso release name value...... Custom Bionic Beaver
  • Set custom iso disk name value......... Ubuntu 18.04.2 2020.08.10 LTS am
                                            "Custom Bionic Beaver"
  • Is custom iso version number valid?.... True
  • Is custom iso filename valid?.......... True
  • Is custom iso directory valid?......... True
  • Is custom iso volume id valid?......... True
  • Is custom iso release name valid?...... True
  • Is custom iso disk name valid?......... True
  • Is page valid?......................... True
  • Clicked................................ Next

Handle navigation from project page on next action

  • Interrupt previous thread.............. No thread
  • Current page........................... project page
  • Action................................. next
  • New page............................... extract page

Navigate from project page to extract page on next action

  • Set original iso filename.............. ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso
  • Set original iso directory............. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/Linux
  • Set original iso volume id............. Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS amd64
  • Set original iso release name.......... Bionic Beaver
  • Set original iso disk name............. Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS "Bionic Beaver" -
                                            Release amd64
  • Set custom iso version number.......... 2020.08.10
  • Set custom iso filename................ ubuntu-18.04.2-2020.08.10-desktop-
  • Set custom iso directory............... /media/vikas/Backup/OS
  • Set custom iso volume id............... Ubuntu 18.04.2 2020.08.10 LTS am
  • Set custom iso release name............ Custom Bionic Beaver
  • Set custom iso disk name............... Ubuntu 18.04.2 2020.08.10 LTS am
                                            "Custom Bionic Beaver"
  • Set options boot configurations........ ['boot/grub/grub.cfg',

  Save configuration
  • Save configuration..................... 2020 Layout
  • Hide old page.......................... project page
  • Show new page.......................... extract page

  Find the compressed Linux file system.
  • Get directory for
    filesystem.squashfs in................. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk
  • filesystem.squashfs is in.............. /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-
  • The compressed Linux file system
    directory is........................... casper
  • Set status casper directory............ casper

  Extract the compressed Linux file system.
  • The target path is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/custom-root
  • The source path is..................... /media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-
  • The progress tracker................... Started
  • The process started at................. 18:18:40.381107
  • The progress tracker id is............. 139982129620736
  • Execute asynchronously................. extract-root
  • Completed.............................. 0%
  • The process id is...................... 3877
  • Completed.............................. 10%
  • Completed.............................. 20%
  • Completed.............................. 30%
  • Completed.............................. 40%
  • Completed.............................. 50%
  • Completed.............................. 60%
  • Completed.............................. 70%
  • Stop the progress tracker with id...... 139982129620736
  • Error.................................. An exception occurred.
  • The process stopped at................. 18:26:33.344082
  • The exit status, signal status is...... 1, None
  • The exception is....................... End Of File (EOF). Exception style
                                            platform. <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn
                                            object at 0x7f503150c190> command:
                                            /usr/bin/pkexec args:
                                            buffer (last 100 chars): '' after:
                                            <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
                                            match: None match_index: None
                                            exitstatus: None flag_eof: True pid:
                                            3877 child_fd: 22 closed: False
                                            timeout: 300 delimiter: <class
                                            'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'> logfile:
                                            None logfile_read: None
                                            logfile_send: None maxread: 2000
                                            ignorecase: False searchwindowsize:
                                            None delaybeforesend: 0.05
                                            delayafterclose: 0.1
                                            delayafterterminate: 0.1 searcher:
                                            searcher_re: 0: re.compile('[0-9
  • The tracekback is...................... Traceback (most recent call last):
                                            File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-
                                            packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line
                                            166, in read_nonblocking s =
                                            os.read(self.child_fd, size)
                                            OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output
                                            error During handling of the above
                                            exception, another exception
                                            occurred: Traceback (most recent
                                            call last): File
                                            packages/pexpect/expect.py", line
                                            111, in expect_loop incoming = s
                                            timeout) File
                                            packages/pexpect/pty_spawn.py", line
                                            485, in read_nonblocking return
                                            self).read_nonblocking(size) File
                                            packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line
                                            171, in read_nonblocking raise
                                            EOF('End Of File (EOF). Exception
                                            style platform.')
                                            pexpect.exceptions.EOF: End Of File
                                            (EOF). Exception style platform.
                                            During handling of the above
                                            exception, another exception
                                            occurred: Traceback (most recent
                                            call last): File "/usr/share/cubic
                                            /utilities/progressor.py", line 244,
                                            in process_command if not done:
                                            raise exception File "/usr/share/c
                                            ubic/utilities/progressor.py", line
                                            239, in process_command
                                            File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-
                                            packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line
                                            340, in expect return self.expec
                                            t_list(compiled_pattern_list, File
                                            packages/pexpect/spawnbase.py", line
                                            369, in expect_list return
                                            exp.expect_loop(timeout) File
                                            packages/pexpect/expect.py", line
                                            117, in expect_loop return
                                            self.eof(e) File
                                            packages/pexpect/expect.py", line
                                            63, in eof raise EOF(msg)
                                            pexpect.exceptions.EOF: End Of File
                                            (EOF). Exception style platform.
                                            <pexpect.pty_spawn.spawn object at
                                            0x7f503150c190> command:
                                            /usr/bin/pkexec args:
                                            buffer (last 100 chars): '' after:
                                            <class 'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'>
                                            match: None match_index: None
                                            exitstatus: None flag_eof: True pid:
                                            3877 child_fd: 22 closed: False
                                            timeout: 300 delimiter: <class
                                            'pexpect.exceptions.EOF'> logfile:
                                            None logfile_read: None
                                            logfile_send: None maxread: 2000
                                            ignorecase: False searchwindowsize:
                                            None delaybeforesend: 0.05
                                            delayafterclose: 0.1
                                            delayafterterminate: 0.1 searcher:
                                            searcher_re: 0: re.compile('[0-9
  • The message is......................... Empty
  • Interrupted the progress tracker....... Interrupt Exception
  • The progress tracker................... Stopped

Question information

English Edit question
Cubic Edit question
No assignee Edit question
Solved by:
Abhay Patel
Last query:
Last reply:
Revision history for this message
Cubic PPA (cubic-wizard) said :

It's good you provided the terminal output.
I see that there is an end of file error (EOF) while extracting the compressed Linux file system.

Please answer these questions...

Is any path in "/media/vikas/Backup" a remote or mounted directory?
Or, is it a sym-link to a different path?

Did you verify the checksum for "ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso".
It is possible the file is corrupted, since you are getting an EOF error.

(The MD5SUM for ubuntu-18.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso is 764056499131c8fe22b27f6dbf52ab7d, but I couldn't find the checksum for version 18.04.2, that you have).

See if you are able to extract this file manually...

  1. Launch Cubic.

  2. Open your project.

  3. On the project page make sure Filename is "ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso" in the "Original ISO" section and there is no warning or error shown below this entry.

  4. Leave Cubic open on the Project page. Then, open a new terminal window and execute the following commands:
    $ mkdir "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/custom-root"
    $ unsquashfs -dest "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk/casper/filesystem.squashfs" "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/custom-root"

  5. Report your results back here.

Revision history for this message
Cubic PPA (cubic-wizard) said :

Note: You'll need sudo in the above `unsquashfs` command...

$ sudo unsquashfs -dest "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/source-disk/casper/filesystem.squashfs" "/media/vikas/Backup/OS/custom-root"

Revision history for this message
Abhay Patel (abhaygeeky91) said :

A1. I have mounted the Backup partition which has NTFS Filesystem. (It is an extended partition)(MBR not GPT)
A2. I verified the md5 and it is not corrupted.
A3. I am unable to extract the filesystem.squashfs and it stops at 73 per cent.
See output
sudo unsquashfs -dest "/media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root" "/media/vikas/Backup/ubu.squashfs"[sudo] password for vikas:
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 4 processors
139420 inodes (157590 blocks) to write

[===========================================================================/ ] 116414/157590 73%
FATAL ERROR:write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/usr/share/man/de/man3/Parse::DebianChangelog::ChangesFilters.3pm.gz, because Invalid argument

I extracted the filesystem.squashfs and named it ubu.squashfs

However, when I extracted it from other Linux(Slax) which I have installed it successfully extracted it
See output
 unsquashfs -dest '/media/sda8/Linux/custom-root' '/media/sda9/ubu.squashfs'
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 4 processors
139420 inodes (157590 blocks) to write

[=========================================================\] 157590/157590 100%

created 111966 files
created 16955 directories
created 27421 symlinks
created 7 devices
created 0 fifos
root@slax:~# unsquashfs -v
unsquashfs version 4.3 (2014/05/12)

root@slax:~# apt install squashfs-tools
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
squashfs-tools is already the newest version (1:4.3-3+deb9u1).

So I thought that there is a problem with the squashfs-tools so I downgraded it to an older version of ubuntu 18.04
But it gets stuck at 94 percent giving thousands of errors like this
write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/var/lib/dpkg/info/libcheese-gtk25:amd64.triggers, because Invalid argument

write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/var/lib/dpkg/info/libcheese8:amd64.list, because Invalid argument

write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/var/lib/dpkg/info/libcheese8:amd64.md5sums, because Invalid argument

write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/var/lib/dpkg/info/libcheese8:amd64.shlibs, because Invalid argument

write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/var/lib/dpkg/info/libcheese8:amd64.symbols, because Invalid argument
[================================================================================================/ ] 148914/157590 94%

so many errors that my terminal gets filled up
I think there is a problem in Ubuntu 20.04

I also tried cubic in Ubuntu 18.04 live boot (ESET System Rescue Disk)
but I didn't get any error
and Slax successfully also extracted it without any problem

I can use the extracted filesystem.squashfs by changing status extracted false to true in cubic.conf
But can you tell what is the problem in Ubuntu 20.04

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Cubic PPA (cubic-wizard) said :

Setting the status to true in cubic.conf may be a little risky, if some critical files are not extracted.

What happens if you open ubuntu-18.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso in Archive Manager, drag casper/filesystem.squashfs to your **local** home folder, and then extract using unsquashfs?...

$ cd ~
$ mkdir ~/test
$ sudo unsquashfs -dest ./test filesystem.squashfs

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Abhay Patel (abhaygeeky91) said :

It will be not risky because I am extracting it using unsquashfs

The same error even after I keep it in home/test folder
vikas@vikas-Aspire-E1-522:~$ sudo unsquashfs -dest "/media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root" "/home/vikas/test/ubu.squashfs"
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 4 processors
139420 inodes (157590 blocks) to write

[===========================================================================| ] 116525/157590 73%
FATAL ERROR:write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/usr/share/man/de/man3/Parse::DebianChangelog::ChangesFilters.3pm.gz, because Invalid argument
[===========================================================================/ ] 116579/157590 73%vikas@vikas-Aspire-E1-522:~$

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Abhay Patel (abhaygeeky91) said :

It's working if I extract it in EXT4 filesystem (filesystem.squashfs is kept in a NTFS filesystem)
See output
vikas@vikas-Aspire-E1-522:~$ sudo unsquashfs -dest "/home/vikas/test/custom-root" "/media/vikas/Backup/ubu.squashfs"
[sudo] password for vikas:
Parallel unsquashfs: Using 4 processors
139420 inodes (157590 blocks) to write

[======================================================================================================-] 157590/157590 100%

created 111966 files
created 16955 directories
created 27421 symlinks
created 7 devices
created 0 fifos

and cubic is also working without any problem if I create a project in ext4 filesystem ie in Ubuntu's partition anywhere in it.

Thanks for your help

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Manfred Hampl (m-hampl) said :

Just a guess:

FATAL ERROR:write_file: failed to create file /media/vikas/amit/Linux/custom-root/usr/share/man/de/man3/Parse::DebianChangelog::ChangesFilters.3pm.gz, because Invalid argument

colons are not allowed in file names on NTFS.

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Cubic PPA (cubic-wizard) said :

Thanks @Manfred!

I'm glad you figured out the issue.
The files on the original ISO will follow Linux file naming standards, so of course you will need a Linux "compatible" file system.