Is it possible to search folders only?

Asked by Si Dedman

Hi all. Catfish is working great insofar as it's finding things, but I don't know how to select 'folders only' as a search parameter. Is this possible? Is it an unexpectedly-named parameter in the 'other' options?

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Catfish Edit question
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Solved by:
Sean Davis
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Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.

Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

Auto expired but still would like an answer - I'm sure this must be possible, no? Option to exclude file extensions (.jpg, etc) or specifically search for folders?

Revision history for this message
Sean Davis (bluesabre) said :

Hello, sorry I missed this. Launchpad is not the best about emailing regarding questions. It is not currently possible, but this sounds like a useful feature and I will add it in the next release.

Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

I just assumed it was a specific subcategory that I missed due to lack of knowledge!
Cheers Sean!

Revision history for this message
Sean Davis (bluesabre) said :

I've added this functionality in the latest commits, feel free to check it out.

Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

Nice one, cheers Sean, will do!

Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

Hi Sean,
Just updated to 0.6.4... I can't see anything different, is there something specific I should be looking for or does it sound like there's a problem with my install? It says 0.6.4 in the about bit.... :/

Revision history for this message
Best Sean Davis (bluesabre) said :

Hi Si,

I've not yet made a new release with this feature, but it will be in the next release. In the meantime, you can pull the latest commit from the trunk branch or test with the daily PPA. I'll let you know when the next release is out.


Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

Thanks Sean Davis, that solved my question.

Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

cheers mate. i'm still pretty n00bish with commits and branches and suchlike!

Revision history for this message
20GT (20gt) said :

This is a similar request as mine, so I'll post mine here.

Can you also let us choose a default folder to start our search in?
Right now i'm mainly searching the folder that contains all the tenserflow models. So I have to use 'other' every time to focus on that folder, or I get a lot of unwanted results.

Revision history for this message
20GT (20gt) said :

oooops I didn't see that this post was 3 years old
i'm using 1.4.2 I don't see any preference to change the default on anything that was mentioned in this post.
If it was solve it should be there correct? how do you get to preferences?

Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

Preferences is the cog in the top right. As far as I know this isn't available. if you were feeling saucy you could PROBABLY
- get the latest code
- unzip
- find the file which specifies that the home directory is the default one populated into the directory choice form
- change that
- compile
- make
- make install

I had a search in files for "home" and "directory" and couldn't find where it would be (catfish 'search in files' option in cog). If you wanna do some digging that would be cool. I'm sure Sean knows where it is also. Would be nice to have it as an option but not super vital I suppose, especially if you save that place as a bookmark.

(p.s. my make install instructions: take with a heap of salt. I'm crap at this stuff!)

Revision history for this message
20GT (20gt) said :

> save that place as a bookmark. ????
I don't see how to do that

> how to select 'folders only' as a search parameter ????
>it will be in the next release.

I don't see it either?

Revision history for this message
Si Dedman (si-dedman) said :

Bookmarks: save a folder as a bookmark in thunar in the usual way (IIRC: set sidebar to bookmarks rather than folder tree, drag a folder to the bookmarks area, IIRC bottom left, or right click > save as bookmark). This is now available in the shortlist of folders in the catfish dropdown.

Folders only: left hand side of catfish, file types, directly beneath documents. If you can't see it, get yourself V1.4.2 (tho I think it was in earlier versions also).

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Fixitman Arizona (fixitmanarizona) said :

Using your instructions there is no way to save a bookmark in thunar that I can see, either by right click, or in a "bookmarks" area.
Thunar 1.6.11 From Xubuntu 16.04
Probably something else Xubuntu team left out, I've found a lot of missing stuff that used to be there in prior versions/and/or other distros.

Revision history for this message
Fixitman Arizona (fixitmanarizona) said :

Edit above, Catfish must require Zeitgeist to be installed for that functionality. No thanks.
And yes, there is no "favorites" in Thunar any more that I can find (maybe related.)

Revision history for this message
Fixitman Arizona (fixitmanarizona) said :

Edit again, I figured that out. Drag a folder to the PLACES in Thunar (there is no bookmarks area now, it's all under "PLACES" and unless you've maybe configured a custom action it's not on right click.) Changes in versions? And then, yes, that folder shows up in Catfish on the top button where you can choose to search in your username, desktop, filesystem, or other... places. Amazing!

Revision history for this message
Endolith (endolith) said :

So is there a way to search for folders only in version 1.4.4