Comment 34 for bug 1321750

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Reuben Thomas (rrt) wrote :

@Tynach This is a tiny hobby project; I don't have time to spend on market research. I think I've come up with a way to slice up the old functionality of Caffeine to satisfy both tinkerers (who complained when I removed it) and what I suspect is the vast majority of users who want stuff that just works, and probably weren't using Caffeine in the first place, but to whom I can hopefully bring the new service-only version, if I can get it installed by default. Most of them, and many tinkerers, won't ever give feedback, because they won't see it as their job, so I'm not even convinced it's worth looking for unless one's running an operation that can afford to canvass opinion on a large scale, either explicitly (market research) or implicitly (A/B testing etc.). I'm neither, in this case.