Out of memory on commit on remote smart server on localnetwork

Asked by LELAK

Hello, after using bazaar for a while in our company we are now facing one problem on all of our centralized repositories.

We are getting the following message when trying to commit any project to the central repository:

Run command: bzr commit -m "street address to work address and form fixes" advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/advantageprogram/spring/beans/ap-opt...
Committing to: bzr+http://bzr.lelak.net/advantage_program/dev/
modified advantageprogram_2011/common/js/forms.js
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/advantageprogram/spring/beans/ap-options.xml
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/associates.jsp
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/plumbers.jsp
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/common/ssi/form-places.jsp
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/mobile/plumbers.jsp
bzr: out of memory
Use -Dmem_dump to dump memory to a file.
Run command: bzr commit -m "street address to work address and form fixes" advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/advantageprogram/spring/beans/ap-opt...
Committing to: bzr+http://bzr.lelak.net/advantage_program/dev/
modified advantageprogram_2011/common/js/forms.js
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/advantageprogram/spring/beans/ap-options.xml
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/associates.jsp
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/plumbers.jsp
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/common/ssi/form-places.jsp
modified advantageprogram_2011/WEB-INF/views/mobile/plumbers.jsp

=> bzr: out of memory
=> Use -Dmem_dump to dump memory to a file.


I tried many things to resolve the issue, including the command 'repack' but nothing seems to resolve this issue.
Please we need urgent help on this and we are willing to pay for the solution if needed.

Thank you very much for any help.

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Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) said :

We discussed this a little on IRC the other day:


The aim should be to excise those changes that include large binary files, by moving clean branches over to a fresh shared repo. The tricky bit is knowing which revs of which branches should not be brought over to avoid bloating the new repo.

Revision history for this message
LELAK (shportu) said :

Martin, thank you very much for you help on the chat. Since I´m not very familiar with Bazaar could you please describe in steps how should I start the migration process to the new repo? I need to migrate about 100 branches.
Thank you,

Revision history for this message
LELAK (shportu) said :

Martin, Here are the steps I did to recreate my shared repository:

1.created a new sharedrepository with no trees
2. started branching from the broken repository all branches one by one

But now I´m getting this error when trying to do any action on the new repository from the smart server:

bzr: ERROR: Parent not accessible given base "bzr+http://bzr.lelak.net/client/project-foo/dev/" and relative path "../../../../Repository.BAK/client/project-foo/dev/"

Please can you help me understand what I did wrong?
Thank you,


Revision history for this message
LELAK (shportu) said :

Thanks Martin,
as you indicated on the IRC channel, I edited the bzr config using the command:

"bzr config parent_location"

removing the parent_location config. On the remote server I needed to do it by hand on the ".bzr/branch/branch.conf" file
(on each branch)

Thanks for you help!

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) said :

This question was expired because it remained in the 'Open' state without activity for the last 15 days.