Wall Edge Flipping not working

Bug #1172881 reported by Donjan Rodic
This bug report is a duplicate of:  Bug #771448: desktop wall edge flipping broken. Edit Remove
This bug affects 14 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
In Progress
MC Return
compiz (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

Ubuntu 13.04, upgraded from 12.10
compizconfig-settings-manager 0.9.9

With 13.04 the edge flipping has completely stopped working. In ccsm -> Desktop Wall -> Edge Flipping none of the checkboxes produces any edge flipping. The workarounds described in either of
do not work.

Interestingly in Desktop Wall -> Bindings setting "mouse Move Left" to one of the edge centers doesn't work, but the corners do. However, this makes the buttons in the top left and right harder to use, plus I don't need "click at the edge to flip", but rather edge flipping on window movement.

Revision history for this message
MC Return (mc-return) wrote :

Workaround: Use the cube and rotate cube.

Changed in compiz (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → MC Return (mc-return)
Revision history for this message
Donjan Rodic (bryonak) wrote :

Nice idea, but it has drawbacks:
- The flipping is either too slow (I want to move to the next workspace, not watch animations), or if set to some sensible value (0 flip time, 5 speed, 0.1 timestep) it's very twitchy and you can see the panel jerk around and rearrange after each flip.
- More importantly, the Cube doesn't seem to work with vertically aligned virtual desktops.
- It's much harder to figure out where you are: there is no overlay during flipping as with the Wall, and it doesn't stop once you've reached the edge, but wraps around.

Ideally, the Desktop Wall -> Edge Flipping buttons (at least move) would start working again as they did yesterday :)

Just tried to downgrade compiz (core, plugins, plugins-default, libdecoration), but apt refused to install anything else after that (broken packages error).

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.

Changed in compiz (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Donjan Rodic (bryonak) wrote :

@MC Return:
A question about ETA: would you mind telling roughly when we can expect a patch from you?

Revision history for this message
MC Return (mc-return) wrote :

I am sorry to tell you that there is no ETA for that fix to land yet as I have not had time to look into that issue yet.
TBH, it is not very high on my priority list, because I am personally using the cube and have wall deactivated.

You have to understand that the Compiz codebase is huge, we have over 50 plugins with hundreds
of different configurable functions to maintain.

While we are investing a huge amount of work in bug fixing
https://code.launchpad.net/~compiz-team/compiz/0.9.10 and
if you are interested in what is happening),
currently just me and Sam are doing unpaid voluntary work to advance Compiz to new heights.

Bug reports with detailed information on how to reproduce the bug help, feature requests are also
welcome, patches are most appreciated and always welcome ;)

"- More importantly, the Cube doesn't seem to work with vertically aligned virtual desktops."

That is unfortunately true @ the moment.

"- It's much harder to figure out where you are: there is no overlay during flipping as with the Wall, and it doesn't stop once you've reached the edge, but wraps around."

I recommend to enable workspacenames to fix the which-viewport-am-I-in?-confusion.

"Ideally, the Desktop Wall -> Edge Flipping buttons (at least move) would start working again as they did yesterday :)"

Hmm, the last wall commit was this:

but it has nothing to do with your issue...

Other than that unrelated issue, which has not yet landed in Ubuntu AFAIK, I have not seen any wall commits for some time now...
What I can tell you is that I will investigate it, once I start the wall cleanup, but this might take some time...
It is also possible that some other interference stops that from working and the wall plugin issue is not even responsible for
this issue...
Postponed for now.

MC Return (mc-return)
Changed in compiz (Ubuntu):
assignee: MC Return (mc-return) → nobody
Changed in compiz:
assignee: nobody → MC Return (mc-return)
Revision history for this message
MC Return (mc-return) wrote :

Okay I am happy to report that I got a fix for it.

Changed in compiz:
status: New → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Donjan Rodic (bryonak) wrote :


Now I can scrap the answer I was just in the process of writing :)
Will help testing your branch when I get home.

Revision history for this message
FaberfoX (faberfox) wrote :

For those looking for a temporary fix, this is what I had to do:

Enable the compiz-dev ppa:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:smspillaz/compiz-dev

Pin this ppa at a higher priority, as packages are not tagged properly and won't upgrade existing ones otherwise:
Create file: /etc/apt/preferences.d/smspillaz-compiz-dev.conf with this content:
Package: *
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-smspillaz-compiz-dev
Pin-Priority: 950

I messed a lot before figuring the pinning out, so maybe you won't need to, but I had to apt-get purge all previous compiz packages before reinstalling, trying to upgrade caused breaks. Remember to make a backup of your preferences before purging!

Revision history for this message
FaberfoX (faberfox) wrote :

On my previous comment, the file should be named /etc/apt/preferences.d/smspillaz-compiz-dev.pref instead of .conf

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