Comment 21 for bug 842566

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Peter Harvey (pdqharvey) wrote :

MS v. OpenDocument filetypes (with workaround):

I find that behaviour is different for .ods and .xls / .xlt files

I can confirm Xavier Guillot's experience (post 1). Here are some detailed observations of my own - all involving LO 3.4.3, CALC, on Oneiric 64bit, Unity 3D. These relate to applications listed as running in both the Application Switcher (and the instances of their open files) and the Unity Launcher

In GENERAL (there could be exceptions):
1) MS .xls and .xlt file types are usually shown correctly, with GREEN CALC icon

2) Open Document .ods files are almost always identified by a general WHITE (general) LibreOffice icon (v occasionally by the green icon, which is correct). They rarely show up at all *when opened first* (before any other LO document). IF one does, it is when the file is opened very shortly (less than 10s or so) after closing the last LO document - i.e. before the application has completely closed.

3) if an .xls or .xlt file is already open, an .ods file has a hugely increased chance of being shown, but always(?) under a WHITE LibreOffice icon

4) When an .ods document is not listed at all, both the window buttons and title are missing from the menu bar.

Further tests show that LO WRITER documents follow a similar pattern (.doc = good, .odt = bad), although the application (IF listed) is always shown as the BLUE icon, rather than the general white one.

Apologies for tedious detail, but I hope this helps point someone towards a solution.

1) You can get to an unlisted file using super+W, and close it with alt+F4, Ctrl+Q or through the file menu.

and finally...
2) If I am right about .xls and .doc files get listed correctly, the (temporary) solution is to use MS rather than native Open Document filetypes.