Back up to external hd only if plugged in?

Asked by Garibaldi


Thank you for this fantastic backup application! I really like the interface and how easy it makes it to take advantage of the power of rsync. I'd like to back up my home directory and other directories to an external USB hard drive automatically via cron. I've set the cron but what will happen if it runs and the drive is off and not plugged in? Using another backup tool I discovered that it just dumped the backup into the mount point folder in /media on my internal drive. This isn't what I want because it fills up my hard drive space and wouldn't really be keeping a backup. Does Back In Time detect if its actually backing up to a different disk or is there a way to do this?



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Best Dan (danleweb) said :

Back in time take snapshots only if "<snapshots path>/backintime" folder exists. So if your mount exists and it is your <snapshots path> but the drive is not plugged there will be no snapshot.
If you are logged it in a GNOME or KDE4 session and the cronjob starts (as a regular user) and the drive is not plugged it than you should have a notification (see settings dialog / options tab to enable/disable this) for 30 seconds saying that you should plug in your drive. If the drive is not plugged during this 30 seconds the application will not take a new snapshot.

At least this is the normal behavior. If it does not work like this please open a big.

Revision history for this message
Garibaldi (garibaldi) said :

Thanks Dan, that solved my question.