How to install autoqueue in Quod Libet

Created by Eric Casteleijn

This is no official documentation! Just figured it might be useful for other people trying to install auto queue, if there was a Wiki I would put it there

Quod Libet 2.2.1
Mutagen 1.19
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Apr 5 2010, 15:40:08)
[GCC 4.4.3] linux2

= Install auto queue =

sudo apt-get install bzr python-scipy python-setuptools quodlibet quodlibet-plugins(optional)

bzr branch lp:autoqueue

cd autoqueue

sudo python install (Warning: run it at your own responsibility)

If you are in a 64bits system, change the /usr/lib location

sudo vi (or gedit) /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/autoqueue-0.2beta2-py2.6.egg/mirage/
edit /usr/lib/banshee-1/Extensions/ to /usr/lib64/banshee-1/Extensions/ or the actual location of

sudo cp /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/quodlibet/plugins/events/

$ quodlibet

In the Quod Libet interface do the following
Music > Plugins > [Enable Auto Queue] and check "log to console" and "use mirage"

If in the terminal you can see:
[autoqueue] MIRAGE True
[autoqueue] enabled

Then mirage and autoqueue are working fine

[autoqueue] Blocked artist: azevedo silva (3)
libmirageaudio: rate=44100, resampling=0.500000
[autoqueue] Getting similar tracks from mirage for: azevedo silva - frio e fome
libmirageaudio: decoding /home/andrericardo/Música/azevedosilva/08 Cianeto de Potássio.mp3
[autoqueue] Getting similar tracks from for: azevedo silva - frio e fome
libmirageaudio: EOS Message received
libmirageaudio: EOS Message sent
libmirageaudio: time = 850.000000
libmirageaudio: frames=2583 (maxhops=2583), size=513
Mirage: decoded frames=c_int(2583),size=c_int(513)
Mirage: mfcc Execution Time: 0:00:00.253200
Mirage: scms created in: 0:00:01.421542

== Errors ==

Q: I'm getting:
"", line 484, in get_blocked_artists_pickle
    artists, times = unpickler.load()
and I don't see Auto Queue plugin in Quod Libet.

A: Try to delete autoqueue_block_cache
$ rm ~/.cache/autoqueue/autoqueue_block_cache