Could it run on CentOS

Asked by Xavier L.

I am wondering if the app could run on CentOS or if it's debian/ubuntu specific.

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Audio Recorder Edit question
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moma (osmoma) said :

Yes. This program should run fine on CentOS and all Fedora derived distros.

Audio-recorder has had a package maintainer until Until Fedora 16, and I made a quick test with audio-recorder on Fedora 18 (in VirtualBox) and it ran pretty well.

There is a "fedora/audio-recorder.spec" file in the source directory. I even updated it for F18.

See also:

Grab the very latest source package (at the moment: audio-recorder-0.9.7.tar.gz) start with it. Please read the INSTALL file. It has also some instructions for Fedora 18. Ok?

Some obstacles you may need to think about:
The latest audio-recorder uses Gstreamer 1.0 (it used 0.10 earlier). Does centOS have packages fro Gstreamer 1.0?
Also, audio-recorder is now fully GTK 3 compliant, all deprecated functions have been removed.
Read also src/media-profiles.c about Gstreamer 0.1o vs. 1.0 issues.

Of course, you can take an older version of audio-recorder and compile / package it for CentOS.
You are very welcome!

Revision history for this message
moma (osmoma) said :

A short addition.
Please send me patches and all new configuration files and I will add'm to the source. See About-dialog for contact info.

Revision history for this message
moma (osmoma) said :

or directly: osmoma at

Revision history for this message
moma (osmoma) said :

Probaby solved.