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Asked by Fahroni

Hi,i need help for ,how to add "ares sample Dll code" from github to a Microsoft Visual Studio express 2012 ..?

sorry iam beginner for this
and sory for bad english

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Graion Dilach (graiondilach) said :

I assume you downloaded the code of Ares and YR++ already. I'm on VS2010 atm but doubt a lot was changed in this regard.

File->New->Project From Existing Code, set up project file location into the folder where you put the Ares code into. Import all the files into the project.

YRpp goes into Project->Properties->Config->C/C++->General->Additional Include Directories.

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Fahroni (otamaindodapuq) said :

thanks,i will try it ^_^

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Fahroni (otamaindodapuq) said :

Vs2012 not like 2010 XD

too muck change
but i will try download VS2010 first :3